Year 3 & 4 

Returning back in 2025 - Watch this Space!

The focus for this age group is learning basic skills in a modified game of 5 v 5, using two-thirds of a Netball court. Woolworths futureFERNS Year 3 & 4 is designed to be fast and fun, maximising participation and touches of the ball. With modified equipment and less players on the court, in 5 v 5 the game is less complicated. Five players in each team and rotating positions ensures everyone gets an equal chance to develop their skills.

  • Up to 10 week programme
  • 5 v 5
  • 7 players maximum

Year 3-4 Match Day Schedule

All activites included in the time allocated on court

10 Minutes: Netball Smart Warm-Up (Coaches to Lead their team)

15 Minutes: Skill Development (Junior Coordinator to Lead groups)

Match play: 4 x 8 minute quarters

Following each game please remember to cool-down as a team.

If you have any questions or require assistance please find the Junior Programme Supervisor or Junior Coordinator in pink vests. 

All teams are required to have a Star Helper who will need to attend one of the futureFERNS Workshops prior to the first day. 


If you have any questions, please contact our development team



  2025 Start Dates


 Saturday 3 May
 TSB Hub Outdoor Courts


 Saturday 3 May
 King Edward Park Netball Courts


Monday 28 April
 Trimble Park Netball Courts


Wednesday 30 April
 Clifton Park Netball Courts

  New Plymouth

Thursday 1 May
 Waiwhakaiho Park Netball Courts