Walking Netball

It's never too late to try something new!

This latest craze is for those who may have previously enjoyed netball and would like to play the game again, perhaps you're recovering from injury, want to learn to play for the first time, want to stay active in a low-impact way, get a bit fitter or just come and meet new friends and have a laugh!  For more information, check out the FAQ's below.

Waiwhakaiho Park Netball Courts, New Plymouth (parking available on Raiomiti Street)

When: *Please note this program will be run on a Tuesday night*
Tuesday nights from 6.00pm-7.00pm


FREE of charge 

- No running or jumping
- One foot must be on the ground at all times
- Player can hold the ball for up to 4 seconds
- All other standard netball rules apply
- 4 x 8 minute quarters (some flexibility depending on numbers on the night means there may be more playing periods for shorter time)

This competition is open to everyone! There can be up to 3 males on each team (one in each third of the court).

- No uniforms necessary & bibs are supplied. 
- Teams are compiled on the night so just turn up! 
- Rolling subs allowed as required. 
- Come and try as a wee taster - with any luck you'll get hooked! 

What to bring:
1. Your favourite workout appropriate gear
2. Trainers (or acceptable footwear). Call ahead if you're not sure
3. Water bottle

How to Register:
Click the link below – this will need to be completed before you take part in a session.

Individuals and groups welcome!

For more details on how to play, check out the videos on the right.